PFAS - Dillsburg Area Authority statement
see under Water tab

As per PA State regulations, we are posting our monthly meeting agenda for public review. Click on the link for the
Agenda of the Tuesday, February 18th meeting held at 9:30 a.m.

Next DAA Board meeting - Tuesday, March 18th 2025 9:30 a.m.

If the Public wishes to discuss or address a topic before the Board, written notice must be given to the General Manager by the prior Wednesday 12:00 Noon to be placed on the Agenda. Board action cannot be taken on items not listed on the published Agenda.

Board members, support staff, or advisors may participate remotely.  Citizens may participate by submitting written comments, inquiries or requests in advance for review at the meetings.

Lead & Copper Rule Revision - click on link below for notice to DAA water customers

DAA Notice to Customers

The 2023 Water Quality Report (CCR) is available for your reading. The link to the document is under the Water tab.