Q. How often do water and sewer bills go out?

A. Bills are generated quarterly and mailed to customers as follow: 

                                             Bill Date              Due Date
                     1st Quarter       April 15th               May 10th
                     2nd Quarter    July 15th                 August 10th
                    3rd Quarter      October 15th          November 10th
                    4th Quarter      January 15th           February 10th

Q. Who can work on water and sewer lines?

A. A customer can obtain a contractor of their choice to work on any portion of a water or sewer lateral for which they are responsible. Any work performed in a public street may be subject to a "Street Opening Permit" from the entity that owns the street; i.e. PennDOT or a Municipality. Only the Authority is permitted to operate street valves and curb stops, unless permission is granted to another in specific cases. Only the Authority is permitted to work on water service laterals from the water main to the curb stop. Customers may wish to check with their Municipalities for information regarding licensure requirements for contractors.

Q. What services does DAA provide?

A. Exclusively water and wastewater services.

Q. Who governs DAA?

A. DAA is governed by a ten member Board with two members each appointed by the Authority's five partner municipalities. The Authority is organized under The Pennsylvania Municipality Authorities Act,  53 Pa.C.S.Ch 56,I as amended.

Q. Does the Authority receive local tax money?

A. No. Funding is derived primarily from user changes, although the Authority does apply for, and occasionally receives, federal or state grant funding when available.

Q. How do I know if someone coming to my home claiming to represent the Authority actually does work for the Authority?

A. DAA service vehicles are white or red and have the standard DAA logo on their sides. Our workers wear clothing with our name and/or logo. Our field service workers are required to carry their DAA issued identification cards. Finally, if you have any questions, call our office to make sure before permitting anyone claiming to be from DAA to enter your property.

Water FAQ's

Q.  Where does my water come from?

A. The DAA water system is supplied by four drilled water wells.

Q. Does the Authority add fluoride to the water?

A. No; The only forms of treatment are disinfection and corrosion control.

Q. Has the Authority changed my water pressure?

A. With the exception of 38 homes in a single neighborhood, water is delivered entirely by gravity, which means that the elevation of a specific location controls the pressure: the higher the elevation the lower the pressure, and the lower the elevation the higher the pressure. The Authority does not actively vary the water pressure.

Q. Is my water considered "Hard?"

A. Yes, as is the case with most well water. The water in the DAA system is a blend of the characteristics of the different source water production wells, which means that the hardness will vary from time to time, location to location, and even during different times of the year. Generally speaking, the water is on the higher end of the higher hardness scale. Water is considered hard if above 120 parts per million, and very hard water 180 parts per million. More information can be found at https://water.usgs.gov/edu/hardness.html.

Q. Is our water tested?

A. Yes. For further information, customers can refer to the DAA Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) which can be found as a pull down tab on the Water page of this website.

Q. Who is responsible for the water service line serving my property?

A. Customers are responsible for the portion of their water service line from the curb box in their sidewalk or yard into their home or building. This can include a meter pit if there is one incorporated in the service line to house or business. The Authority is responsible for the water system from the curb box to the water main. The Authority strongly recommends that customers check their property insurance policy to determine what coverage, if any, there is for water line problems. Maintenance and repair insurance plans can be purchased.

Q. If my water consumption is higher than normal, how can I check for a leak?

A. We have found that the number one cause of high water use is leaking toilets, so start by checking for a toilet leak. Do this test simple test at night or when you are out of the home for several hours. Color the water in the tank of the toilet with food coloring. First thing in the morning or when you arrive home (before water is used) check the bowl of the toilet. If the color shows in the bowl, you have a toilet leak. Do this test to all toilets in the home.

You can also take a meter reading. Again you want to do this test at night or when you are out of the home for several hours. Read the meter and write down all the digits from left to right. In the morning or when you arrive home (before water is used) take another meter reading. Record all digits left to right. If no one has used water, the reading should remain the same.

You can call the Authority office if you need assistance in understanding how to read your water meter.


Sewer FAQ's

Q. What part of the sewer system is the responsibility of the property owner?

A. The property owner is responsible for maintenance and repair of the sewer service line (known as the sewer lateral) from the sewer main in the street or public right-of-way into the home or building on the property.

Q. What is the white or green plastic sewer pipe sticking up in my yard?

A. These are generally sewer "cleanouts" which provide an access point for cleaning or unclogging the sewer lateral. The cleanouts can be cut flush to the ground, but should not be buried as quick access might be needed in an emergency. The cleanout MUST remain well sealed with a cap to prevent debris, animals or water from entering the sewer.

Some properties also have sewer vent pipes above grade, which are generally close to the home. Vent pipes should remain above grade with a proper cap designed to allow air to escape, but keep rain out.

Q. How do I keep sewer gas from coming into my home from the sewer main?

A. Plumbing fixtures (sinks and drains) are supposed to have "U" shaped "traps" for this purpose. Water in the trap prevents sewer gas from migrating back into the home through the drain line. If a sink or other plumbing fixture is not used for a period of time, the water in the trap might evaporate, allowing the entry of sewer gas. Property owners should periodically check for dry traps, especially if they smell sewer gas.

Q. Can I connect my sump pump to my sewer lateral?

A. No. Not under any circumstances. The public sewer system is not designed to accept flows from sump pumps intended to collect and discharge ground or surface water. Sump pumps can quickly overwhelm the sewer system causing overflows and property damage. Illegal sump pump connections are serious violations.

Q. If I have a sewer back-up will the Authority unclog my lateral and clean up?

A. No. This will be the property owner's responsibility. Property owners are strongly encouraged to maintain sewer back-up coverage with their property insurance.

Q. Can I flush almost anything down the sewer?

A. ONLY domestic, sanitary waster water from commodes and sinks should be flushed down the sewer. Flushing other items can result in damage or back-ups to your sewer lateral or the public sewer system. The list of items that should NEVER be flushed is very long, but includes gasoline, solvents, paints, grease, motor oil, cooking oil, pesticides, medications, medical waste, needles or other sharp objects, cigarette butts, product packaging, office paper, cardboard, woven fabrics such as clothing, diapers, and so on.

It should be emphasized that, contrary to package labeling, "flushable wipes", such as baby wipes or cleaning towels, should never be flushed. They do not degrade, and are frequently the cause of sewer clogs and equipment problems at sanitary pumping stations as well as the wastewater plant.